Welcome for all from the country of Yoga, Nepal for the divine practice of Yoga
Are you searching for an excellent yoga studio for the absolute practice of yoga and meditation? Alpha and Omega Yoga center is the best choice. It is situated in a peaceful area of Sinamangal, Kathmandu and provides an ideal environment for learning and practicing yoga and meditation apodictically. It offers various yoga courses with the facilities of cozy accommodation and healthy food. It offers yoga and meditation courses for the people of all countries of the world without any bar of age, gender, religion, profession, flexibility and health issues. The following courses are conducted in Alpha and Omega Yoga Center:
The teachers of Alpha and Omega Yoga Center have dedicated their life to Yoga and meditation. They are the devotees and connoisseurs of Yoga who can provide you with comprehensive knowledge of yoga. Spiritual and fitness yoga courses taught by expert teachers of Yoga, Ayurveda, Philosophy, Meditation, Pranayama, etc. internationally verified. You will learn various aspects of yoga and meditation completely. The courses aim for physical well-being, mental balance, and spiritual up-liftment.
About Yoga Guru
The extensive background in the study of Yoga has given them complete knowledge on how to approach physical, mental and general health problems using various yogic techniques and exercises. Their entire life is dedicated in yoga. Having done both personal training and corporate yoga in the city, their aims were especially suited to for individuals with time constraints.
Yoga for them is not merely a profession, it is a way of life, and he enjoys teaching when he has given the opportunity to communicate their way of living to their students. As teachers, they try and impress their students the importance of attaining an anatomical understanding of the postures and direct their attention to the detailed physicality and energetic intent of the asanas. By discovering body and breath awareness, one can develop a compassionate and joyful attitude towards themselves and the world around them.

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
200-Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course at Alpha and Omega Yoga Center in Kathmandu, Nepal Alpha and Omega Yoga center is one of the reputed yoga center in Kathmandu offering varieties of courses on yoga. The 200-Hours Yoga Teacher Training is…

500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Alpha and Omega conducts 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in the Holy land of Yoga, Nepal. It is situated in Kathmandu valley just 2 km away from Tribhuvan International Airport where the serene environment is available for a better practice of…

Yoga for life
Add Yoga in your daily life. Daily Yoga Practice If you haven’t heard about yoga’s ability to increase flexibility, you might have been living under a rock for the past twenty years 😉 To gain more flexibility, it is worth…
Other Services
Astrology, Palmestry & Numerlogy
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Super learning
Why Super-learning class? To improve study To memorize for longer duration studying for less duration To memorize easily words, meaning, sentences, paragraph, chapters and entire book. To increase creativity …
Life Management
These and other major life events may result in an individual or family experiencing significant stress, worry, anxiety, depression, loss of energy, despair and hope, and sometimes physical illness. Stressors may also lead to a loss of confidence, …
Asana, Pranayam, Mudra & Meditation
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, and Meditation are the natural rules of life to make it meaningful. These aim at perfect development of the humanity. Yoga not merely gives you the overall health but also leads you till the real aim and essence of life.
Self help & Motivational program
Providing Opportunities with Encouragement and Recognition. Our Motivational Program’s Mission to provide teachers with the necessary tools to enhance student engagement, academic performance, and mental toughness through positive s …
Free from Stress
There are many different ways you can alleviate stress in a positive manner. Here are a few positive steps to alleviate stress: Breathing exercises. Breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. Take deep breaths and count to 10 …